It is indeed a joy to find a writer who can make you laugh. Even when they're writing about stuff that's sort of heavy. So, what I'm really getting at is, keep writing!

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Thank you, Rohan 🙂

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Any other good things you'd like to give a nod to?

(I jest. I love you in health and in abstinence.)

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Have DM’ed.

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I love Sedaris, too. I have re-read some of his New Yorker pieces far too many times for it to be healthy.

Also Maanav what a rip snorting beginning..

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I know just what you mean about the re-reading, Sanket. I always carry a copy of some Sedaris book when I leave the house and it’s gotten to the point where I sometimes reach the end of an essay to remember I’ve read it before.

As for the beginning, how mean of you to laugh at my misery.

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I remember reading the first version of this essay and had saved this to read again at leisure. Imagine my delight when I realised that you had edited it! loved it then and love it now. You have a flair for humour, even when you talk of the most morbid things!

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Thanks Samira!

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as always, an absolute delight!

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Thanks Savvy!

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Hello from another fellow auto immuner🤓Rheumatoid arthritis in my case.

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Oh hello! Have heard terrible things about RA. Hope all is good and you’re in remission 🙂

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Always a fun party where people discuss the meds and effective alternate therapies! At ours, we also exchange notes on therapists. Viva la modern lives! I love both the UK and the US version of The office almost as much as I love Sedaris! Yeah, I am reasonable like that. Our desi Sedaris is not too bad either, and I am especially in awe of him sustaining his promise of giving us this Friday, our fortnightly bread. <ducks for cover for the blasphemy I committed in writing this last bit, Yallah!>

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Thanks Sana, I fully agree. Exchanging notes on therapists for us now often turns into amateur group therapy. But now in our late 30s, another big topic of conversation has become domestic home stuff - which parts of the house are falling apart and can’t be fixed, which Didi has what complaint and how to keep those relationships going strong. The two-week consistency is just a happy side-effect of being jobless.

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