πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ I’m just so happy to see a personal essay by Maanav out for everyone in the world to read. I feel like a very fulfilled parent, whose Runi-Juni has taken a first step towards their unlimited potential.


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Beautiful piece! Here for more of this :)

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This essay simultaneously makes me feel very hungry and very fulfilled and hence I’m also confused but happily so. ❀️

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As a character and terribly biased fan, I'm not sure if my comment is worth much - but I really love this essay! As an older sibling, I only say, serves you bloody right.

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The universe always balances things out! Well played Runi and Juni. For us 3 siblings, it was never the leg piece, we all loved the chicken anatomy differently, it was the marrow bone that I suspect is the topic of discussion in therapy for my siblings, since I, the last born won by default if my mother made the rare error of forgetting to add 3 of them to the curry. But like your family, much to my joy and annoyance, my nephews restored balance. Elder always puppy eyes his way to the marrow bone, younger stole my birthday. Hmph! This essay is stellar! Nuanced, says a lot within few words masterfully, carefully, funnily but most of all, heart-fully. Can’t wait to read more of R&J adventures.

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What a lovely essay maanav! I smiled, empathized and commiserated with your pain of sharing food that you have spent hours shopping, cutting and cooking..and before you know it, it’s gone. But as you said, is there any joy bigger? Also, I love Tara, she seems so cool 😍😍

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Wow! It was magical!! As if I am a fly on your dining room wall. Please do keep writing.

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Maanav The Man is here finally... It was an absolute delight reading his pieces during the workshop. Good times ahead!

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As the elder sister, I remember giving up the leg piece too. Though now I don't know why it's such a prized piece. I prefer the wings any day with all the masala stuffed inside! Loved the humour in both stories. You write beautifully Maanav.

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Made me laugh and cry. Beautiful!

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Loved it.

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Beautifully expressed Maanav!!

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Well written piece

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